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Expert teaching for those who love debating, thinking, analysing and questioning.
At Six 21 we will use the best of traditional and modern techniques to ensure your learning is extraordinary. Here are 10 examples:
Research driven

Our exceptional teaching team not only integrate the best research in the field of education into their practice, but conduct their own research in collaboration with universities such as Cambridge and Kings College London, as well as independently through our ‘Beautiful Works’ journal.
Critiquing and crafting

We believe that the ability to give and receive specific feedback helps you improve your work so that it is of an extraordinary standard.
Oracy rich learning

We are a world-leading school in the teaching of effective communication using spoken language. This enhances learning now and ensures you leave able to present yourself exceptionally well in any situation.
Project based learning
You will solve real world problems and learn to combine knowledge, creativity and teamwork.

Harkness debates and Socratic seminars

We have developed teaching methods that help you debate and question to gain deeper understanding.
University approach
By incorporating lectures, seminars and one-to-one tutorials from our own outstanding teachers and visiting experts, we prepare you for the demands of higher education.

Creating beautiful work

In the real world, nothing of real value is achieved first time. It is through multiple drafts that you will get the chance to create beautiful work that has value to an authentic audience beyond the classroom.
Integrated technology

We utilise the power of technology as a productive tool and a way to support anytime and anywhere learning.
Independent research projects

You will mastermind deep academic enquiries into topics you are passionate about, using university standard research protocols and collaborating with researchers in your chosen field.
Interdisciplinary learning

Our teachers collaborate and plan together across traditional subject disciplines because learning in the real world is rarely neatly defined.
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